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Update: This video will remain on this page, unless/until the slaughter of Christians in Syria and Iraq stops! We owe it to the dead, especially those killed in this manner, to display the truth about the beasts that have slaughtered them!
The following video has been shown before, but I am compelled to run it again because people throughout the world need to know what is happening to Christians in Syria, Iraq and in various other places throughout the Middle East. Our propagandized media is not releasing this information! The Word of God tells us that God’s people will be beheaded for their faith during the tribulation (Revelation 20:4), and Jesus said concerning the last days, “There shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world, no, nor ever shall be” Matthew 24:21. That hour is upon us, folks!
Are you ready to face God?

Hit hard by Obamacare? It would be well worth your while to compare plans and rates among these Christian healthcare cooperatives. They are inexpensive and meet the federal mandates of the new healthcare law:

Christian Healthcare Ministries (

Samaritan Ministries (

Medi-Share (

This administration is pressing hard against the American people to protest and riot, but don’t fall for it!

All written publications on this site, every page, may be copied and shared for evangelistic purposes. Did Jesus say, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," "and make sure you copyright it!" I think not. God bless you with the Light of the world. 

Showing Tag: "martial law" (Show all posts)


Posted by L A on Wednesday, February 3, 2016, In : DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA 


Children indoctrinated to shoot American Veterans, not Muslim terrorist beheaders!

Screen shot:


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel presented “The Authorization for Use of Military Force” (AUMF) bill last month, which in effect gives Obama the power to deploy troops anywhere, at any time, which obviously includes the United States.

It is apparent that Obama is not interested in fighting Muslim terrorists in the Middle East, and if he finds reason enoug...

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Skeptical About Civil War in America?

Posted by L A on Thursday, February 21, 2013, In : DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA 
It is still difficult to find some ammunition and certain firearms and parts.  A lot of people in the United States appreciate the US Constitution and plan to defend it, possibly with their lives, as millions of our forefathers did.  They aren't stupid.

Do you believe Christians shouldn't need to defend their children and their families, in that God will protect us?  Christian martyrs in the early church gave up their lives willingly.  Instructions left by Jesus?  Jesus, knowing the Ro...

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Law Enforcement Agencies Training for Martial Law

Posted by L A on Saturday, January 5, 2013, In : DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA 
I watched a very interesting video yesterday published by CTNN.  The host interviewed a police Lieutenant McCoy in North Carolina.  Lt. McCoy told his interviewer that the police in North Carolina are training for martial law and he specifically said they, the police, are "expecting it to happen."  He said that things are "going downhill very quickly" and that law enforcement agencies in North Carolina have started training to use military drones against the population during martial l...
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